Wednesday 12 November 2014

Preparing books and H&S

Illustration/Adding text-
Highlighting some of the text
• Cut and collaged from other sources
• Stamped directly on to the page
• Stamped then worked into
• Stamped then collaged on to the page
• Hand written text

Tags- Using templates and cutting out are own tags small or big
• How you will add it to your book e.g. pocket, tie, glue, envelope
• Using text and/or images to your tag or ‘tie-in’
• Linking your tag or ‘tie-in’ to the page/s you are adding them to

Pop-ups- Using craft knives and making a pop-up
Jennifer Khoshbin
Su Blackwell
Lizzie Thomas
Peter Callesen

-Decide where you want the ‘niche’ to be. Glue the edges of the pages together (use cling film

to protect the other pages in the book).
-When the glue is dry – draw out the shape of your ‘niche’ and carefully cut it out (use a 
craft knife and safety ruler)
-Glue the inside edges of the ‘niche’ and dry with heater or heat gun

-Careful when use craft knives
-Careful when using the heat gun (Get very Hot
-Bags and items under tables out of the way
-Always use a cutting mat when using a craft knife

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