Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Felt Making

Felt is the oldest textile, its made without using an sewing or weaving and is a non-constructed fabric. It dates back to 6,500 BC. It can be any colour, made into any shape or size and makes so many items; Shoes, tents, carpets, fine clothing, art objects, hats and jewellery.


- Merino wool tops
- Warm water
- Soap
- Bubble Wrap
- Netting
- Bamboo Mat
- Towel

How to Make Felt:

  • Place towel or sugar paper on a flat surface. Lay bubble wrap over surface, bubble side up. Using wool tops, pull the ends fibres out gently and lay them down on the plastic in a square with all the fibres in the same direction
  • Leave a gap of approximately 2cm clear between the edge of the fibres and the edge of the plastic. When you have created a fine but dense layer of fibres repeat the process but with the fibres laying in the opposite direction, making sure that you cannot see the previous layer through the second layer.
  • Repeat this process with the fibres running in the direction of the first layer (3-4 Layer)
  • Sprinkle a small amount of warm water on the top the netting. sweep soap bar across netting
  • With wet soapy hands rub over the netting. Add more water if needed to ensure that the wool is "wetted" out but not to much
  • Carry on rubbing until fibres bonding together, turn piece over and repeat. Then you can roll it in the bamboo matt which increases the bonding process
  • Rinse out the piece in cold water. At the same time soak felt warm water, rinse out the bamboo, ring out felt piece and roll it again in the bamboo matt

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