Monday 1 June 2015

Contemporary Artist and Historical Artist

Contemporary Artist:

Lesley Richmond
White Forest 1 540x312 Lesley Richmond: The intersection between craft & art
Tree/Forest Series
White Forest Forest
168cm x 81cm
  • English textile artist
  • Widely-represented textile artists around the world
  • Main inspiration is natural forms
  • Inspired by trees and forests
  • "Photography skills, snapping pictures of trees and forests. Then she had them printed on the fibers, editing them to filter out the background"

Historical Artist:

Nigel Cheney

Nigel Cheney interview: Manipulate, construct, embellish

  • BA in Textiles
  • Commendation in Art History
  • Produced unusual textile art (Fashion, Interior and gallery's)
  • Combines historical techniques with contemporary digital media, (blackwork, voiding, appliqué, and hand stitches with transfer prints and hand painted cloth )
theses artist are very different textiles artist as they use different mediums within textiles. Lesley Richmond uses Photos and print fibers on top where as Nigel Cheney uses historical techniques like hand stitch into prints. Also Lesley's work main focus is natural where as Nigel's work has animals and people in. 

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