Wednesday 25 February 2015

Dying with procions

Health and Safety 
- gloves, masks and aprons must be worn. 
- always be careful working with dye powers, not spill or shake
- work in well ventilated area
- do not inhale powers

Mixing dyes:

~ Measure 500 ml of water

~ Gently use 1/4 of a try teaspoon of powder into a jar with small amount of water, mix with the teaspoon. Write down the colour used. Rinse and dry the teaspoon

~ Add smaller quantities of other colours, mix into the solutions. Write down colours used. Always wash and drying the spoon

~ When desired colour is reached pour in the remaining water and stir well

~ Add 1 teaspoon of salt per 500 ml of dye solutions, mix well

~ Add 1 teaspoon of soda ash per 500 ml of dye solution, mix well this will fix the the colour

Your dye bath is now ready for fabrics. 

Dyeing Fabrics 

Add a number of different fabrics to each colour to ensure you have a variety of colours and textures. 

> Wet your fabrics, dampen off and place in the dye bath leave some in for 5 minutes, others for 15, 30, 60 minutes

> Take them out (wearing gloves), rinse in cold water and leave to dry on a paper towel or dry using an iron although the heat will draw the colour to the surface and you may have a different colour each side. 

> You will need to record your findings 

> List materials, colour and how long you left it in for.  

Dyeing silk carrier rods

= Silk carrier rods need to be dyed in the same dye bath. Leave in solution for at least 5 minutes 

= Rinse off briefly in cold water. Leave to dry naturally 

You may over dye an existing colour, but remember the colour underneath affects the colour you put on top. 

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